Chronicles of Frivolity is a platform dedicated to helping you feel a little more put together. with a sassy, feminine approach to style, we believe that what’s frivolous can also make your everyday fun!

Welcome to Chronicles of Frivolity. COF was founded in 2013, as a way for Katey and her best friend to divulge their tales of frivolous spending on fashion. What started as a cheeky hobby ultimately became a way for Katey to combine her background in PR and personalize products to a reader. Katey is a 30-something year old living in Texas with her husband Paul, daughter Maxi, son Harry, and dog Peaches. Despite the tongue-in-cheek blog name, she loves to share the things she is truly passionate about. Katey’s promise to her readers is that they won’t find anything on her site that she doesn’t truly stand behind. As a mom that understands the importance of outsourcing, Katey loves vetting products so that her readers can devote more time in life to what matters. Although a lot has changed since she started the blog with her best friend back in 2013, at her core she’s still a Southern girl with a heart for Jesus, great queso, and the comforts of home.
Chronicles of Frivolity is part of an affiliate network meaning if you click on a link and make a purchase, I may make a small commission. This does not affect your purchase price nor does it affect what I choose to link. Not all links on COF are affiliate links, as always I only share products I truly love.