She’s Here!


Hello friends! I just wanted to pop in really quick while my little one is sleeping and let you know she arrived this weekend. Thank you all so much for your prayers, e-mails, well wishes and thoughts for our pregnancy and delivery. I’ll share her birth story soon, but it was an incredible experience. Maxi Jeanne Hellman was born Saturday evening at 8:04 p.m. after I woke up to my water breaking that morning!

We got discharged this afternoon so it feels really nice to be at home settling and healing. I also have to let all my dog mamas know, Peaches is doing amazing! In fact, she has no interest in me. Haha! She just wants to be around Maxi every single second and is so gentle with her. I was extremely nervous about that. So I’m very, very thankful for all the tips our dog trainer showed us. I’ll be sure to share that in a blog post soon! Those who are also planning take care of a puppy should look into Pet Friendly’s pet care products that can help keep your pet happy and healthy. has the best cat supplies online.

I received a few questions about her name so I thought I would share the meaning! Jeanne is my great-grandmother’s name. She has the most incredible testimony of faith [in fact, she wrote this!] and made the greatest impact on my mother’s life. Growing up, my mom would always tell me how Jeanne taught her how to pray, be compassionate and give to others. I knew I wanted to incorporate that legacy in my little girl one day. Jeanne also means, “God is gracious.”

For her first name, I wanted to go with a really short and sweet name. I have a long full name, so naturally I had to do the opposite. 😉 One day Paul and I were running errands and heard a little girl be called Maxi and we both just looked at each other and we thought, “That’s it!” It ended up being perfect because when placed together Maxi Jeanne means, “Our Great God is gracious.” We feel like that just really encompasses how we feel with our faith and how good he was to us by giving us this blessing.

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week and Valentine’s Day tomorrow! I’m so excited to celebrate it with the three loves of my life: Paul, Maxi Jeanne and Peaches! 🙂 Thank you all for your support as it has made pregnancy and this experience even better than we could have ever expected. We are so thankful!


Photos by Madison Katlin

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  1. robbie wrote:

    awesome blossom!!!! my sisters water broke in the bed as well (: prayers for healing and loving on your little maxi!

    Published 13 Feb 17Reply
  2. Chantel wrote:

    Aww Katie, Congrats to you and Paul! What a sweet name for your precious little girl! I’m sure she’ll grow into a strong woman just like her mama!

    Published 13 Feb 17Reply
  3. Skye Sawyer wrote:

    Congrats! She is just the cutest and even though we may not know each other personally, I have no doubt that sweet little angel is lucky to have you and Paul as parents. Wishing you all the best in your new venture in Motherhood! Thank you for sharing your sweet soul with the rest of us!

    Published 13 Feb 17Reply
  4. Emma wrote:

    Katey, she is so beautiful and perfect!!! I am SO excited for you and Paul and am so happy that Peaches is embracing her role as an older sister! Can’t wait to hear your birth story and to see more of sweet Maxi!

    Published 13 Feb 17Reply
  5. Elizabeth wrote:

    So incredibly happy for you all!! She’s beautiful

    Published 13 Feb 17Reply
  6. Sarah wrote:

    Katey- Maxi is the sweetest bundle of joy! I love the story and meaning behind her name. God provides the greatest blessings. Thanks for sharing your precious little one with us! Congrats to you and Paul!

    Published 13 Feb 17Reply
  7. Sarah wrote:

    Katey- Maxi is the sweetest bundle of joy! I love the story and meaning behind her name. God provides the biggest blessings. Thanks for sharing your precious little one with us. Congrats to you and Paul!

    Published 13 Feb 17Reply
  8. Katie Fury wrote:

    Congrats to y’all on sweet little, Maxi!!! I love the meaning behind her name, makes it extra special. ????????

    Published 13 Feb 17Reply
  9. Samantha Paige wrote:

    Congratulations! She is adorable and so is her name!! I can’t wait to read your birth story!

    Published 13 Feb 17Reply
  10. Hannah wrote:

    So excited for you Katey! She is beautiful. God bless!

    Published 13 Feb 17Reply
  11. Hannah wrote:

    Congrats!!! She is absolutely beautiful just like her mom:)

    Xoxo, Hannah

    Published 13 Feb 17Reply
  12. Marissa wrote:

    Congrats!!! I’m so happy for your family! GOD BLESS your amazing family. I hope your little girl lets her light shine before everyone. You’re going to be amazing parents- I’m that random Arthritis girl that messaged you on Snapchat after you talked about your mother’s Arthritis. Reading your blog has renewed my faith and I’ll be sending prayers and good thoughts your way.

    Published 13 Feb 17Reply
  13. Congratulations! She’s the cutest!

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 13 Feb 17Reply
  14. Amanda O. wrote:

    Congrats to you three on what seems like a wonderful experience and a beautiful little girl! I can’t wait to read the pup tips and delivery story. I’m 32 weeks tomorrow (Feb 14th) so I’m soaking in every bit of information I can get. Such a sweet name, congrats again!!

    Published 13 Feb 17Reply
  15. Lindsey Stroud wrote:

    She is gorgeous! Congrats, love!

    Published 13 Feb 17Reply
  16. Sooooo exciting, Katey! Congrats to you and Paul. She is SO precious <3

    Published 14 Feb 17Reply
  17. Clarissa wrote:

    She is absolutely perfect and her name could not be more beautiful! So thrilled for you all that you are cozy back at home soaking up little Maxi! Can’t wait to hear more about her 🙂

    Published 14 Feb 17Reply
  18. Sarah wrote:

    Congratulations! Maxi is absolutely adorable!

    I love her name and its meaning.

    Published 14 Feb 17Reply
  19. Sarah wrote:

    Congratulations! Maxi is absolutely adorable!

    I love her name and the meaning behind it.

    Published 14 Feb 17Reply
  20. Claire Hamlett wrote:

    She is so gorgeous! Congratulations to you and Paul! Best wishes for the days to come!

    Published 14 Feb 17Reply
  21. Carly Young wrote:

    She is beautiful! The most precious family ever! Prayers and blessings for you!

    Published 14 Feb 17Reply
  22. She is so beautiful! I love the photo of her bundled up in a bow! So adorable!

    Published 14 Feb 17Reply
  23. Shana wrote:

    Congrats !!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you

    Published 14 Feb 17Reply
  24. Erin wrote:

    She is absolutely darling, and I am so thrilled for you and Paul to experience one of God’s greatest gifts! Looking forward to reading more updates in the future! P.S. – Jeanne is my mother’s name, and also my middle name, so reading your personal story about the meaning behind choosing that for Maxi’s middle name warmed my heart. 🙂

    Published 15 Feb 17Reply
  25. Janet wrote:

    I’m not crying, YOURE crying!

    You all are so sweet <3 thank you for letting us share in your joy as a family. Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl.

    Published 15 Feb 17Reply
  26. so so happy for your sweet little family! and Maxi is such a sweet, sassy name! God is good 🙂

    Published 15 Feb 17Reply
  27. Camille wrote:

    Just now reading. Congratulations!! Motherhood (and parenthood for you both) will be amazing. She’s so sweet!


    Published 16 Feb 17Reply
  28. Katie wrote:

    Congratulations Katey! She is beautiful and I’m so excited for y’all!


    Published 26 Feb 17Reply