COF Organization Series: My Cleaning Schedule

The Details

Sweater | Dyson Vacuum | Shark Vacuum | Hand Vacuum | Laundry Hamper | {laundry room mat was a gift from my mom} | Photography by: Angie Garcia

You know how people love to say, “Cleaning with toddlers is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos.” and then you either agree or silently think, “Well why don’t you just teach your toddlers to be less messy?” Okay, I kid! I kid! But truly, don’t we all think that before we enter the toddler phase?! I mean I legitimately used to think, “I’ll just teach my kid to not touch what is on the coffee table.” #IKnow #IWasClueless

So whether you are in toddler land or you have a messy roommate or you are incredibly busy with work and travel 24/7, I wanted to share how I organize my cleaning now. It may give you an idea of how to break down your cleaning schedule or it may inspire you to start one! Either way, this definitely isn’t a perfect schedule, but I just like to share with you all! But if you want to save yourself from the hassle of cleaning, you can contact companies like Red Deer cleaning servicesAlso, please excuse any errors in this post. I wanted to write it like I was chatting with a friend- so I just typed it as I would talk about it over coffee with you! This will be a new organization series on the blog, where I share how I keep things organized like my gift closet, the playroom, etc.

I’ll first break this up by sharing how I clean daily, weekly, and monthly.


  • 1 load of laundry
  • 1 load of dishes in the dishwasher
  • Make beds
  • Clean countertops
  • Sweep kitchen
  • Light vacuum
  • Wipe down sofa if Maxi snacked in family room- I use these.
  • Straighten up my desk
  • Wipe down nightstands with glass cleaner
  • Spray shower with shower cleaner after shower
  • Empty trash in the kitchen
  • Straighten family room before bed
  • Wipe down kitchen sink
  • Clean highchair {3x a day}

I’ve always heard that you can stay on top of cleaning if you do 1 load of laundry and 1 load of dishes a day. That rings so true for me! I’ll make our bed in the morning and then pick up throughout the day. I would say I do most of the “daily cleaning” while dinner is in the oven. That is the part of the day, I’ll let Maxi watch part of Moana or Mickey Mouse Club and I can get in a light vacuum and straighten everything up.  Maxi will eat around 5:30, so I do this around 4:30. It’s nice because after I put her to bed, I crawl in bed to answer e-mails and do my blog post before Paul gets home. I like being able to go straight into work before my brain gets too tired, and I’m not cleaning, except for things in the kitchen. This is also a lifesaver while cleaning up! With all the crumbs we have from Maxi, I couldn’t live without it.


  • Wash sheets
  • Dust
  • Mop bathroom floors
  • Clean wood floors
  • Clean toilets, showers, tub
  • Empty bathroom trash
  • Vacuum with Shark
  • Clean out the fridge and wipe out
  • Clean microwave
  • Clean coffee table

My Shark vacuum is my favorite! I like my Dyson for a quick pick up but it just doesn’t give me those clean carpet lines, etc. I use my Shark twice a week.


  • Clean blinds
  • Clean showerhead
  • Clean electronics
  • Vacuum chairs in the family room
  • Clean baseboards
  • Clean bathroom drawers


We are mostly out and about on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so by the time we get home from errands I don’t have time to do bigger cleaning tasks. I can get the daily list done, but no extras. I try to do most of my cleaning on these days and here is how I break down the weekly schedule. If you’re looking for junk removal companies Roanoke, contact Roanoke Junk Removal & Dumpster Rental to help manage any larger cleaning projects efficiently.


  • Clean sheets
  • Dust
  • Mop bathroom floors
  • Clean wood floors
  • Clean toilets, shower, tub
  • Empty bathroom trash cans
  • Grocery shop
  • Clean fridge

On Mondays, I’ll do this routine after Maxi’s breakfast. She’ll play in her playroom and “read” in her teepee, so I can get a surprising amount done. If you aren’t home during the day, even just adding 20 minutes of cleaning like this before going to work could make a huge difference and free you up more on the weekends. After I clean, we’ll grocery shop and clean out the fridge.


  • Organize/clean playroom
  • Clean Maxi’s room and dresser {she gets into her drawers and clothes, so I have to stay on top of it!}
  • Clean our closets {I shoot Tuesdays, so on Wednesday I really need to make sure everything is put away.}
  • Clean microwave
  • Clean coffee table
  • Sanitize remotes

I stick to the same routine on Wednesdays, cleaning after her breakfast. She likes to get in her closet and dresser drawers, and I’ve found I have to take 10 minutes a week and organize it- or I’m in for an hour project once a month. Because I shoot on Tuesdays and pick up dry cleaning on Mondays, I also like to take 10 minutes on Wednesday and sort through my closet. This is also when I’ll pull looks to shoot the following week. I can see if anything needs to be dry cleaned or steamed. I also make sure my home is well-maintained by scheduling regular services like Air Duct Cleaning Santa Monica to keep the space fresh and clean.


  • Catch up on extra laundry, wash blankets, wash Maxi’s Mother’s Day Out stuff
  • Pick 2 things from “monthly list”

Fridays are my favorite days! Paul works pretty late on Thursdays, so that is when I try to get a bulk of my work done. I’ll work early Friday morning and then try to take the rest of the day to just be “mom.” In the mornings I will try to catch up on extra laundry {like blankets, Peaches’ blankets, toys, etc.} and because I have more time on Fridays I’ll pick 2 things from the monthly cleaning list.


Saturdays I will work on organizing or any bigger home projects we have. If I want to organize her closet or clean out a closet, I try my best to save that for Saturdays. I’m the type of person that can get an idea, start to organize my kitchen cabinets and then forget to do things I actually need to do. I’ve learned I’ve got to save this for Saturday when Paul is home to help with the project or Maxi.


Sundays I try to not clean, but I will bake something or make something we can eat off of for the week. I’ll either make this baked oatmeal for our breakfast or a banana bread.


Then we do things like get our windows professionally washed twice a year, and I love to get our rugs cleaned once a year. I’m sure I’m missing something, so let me know if you have any other scheduling questions. I hope you enjoy this organization series as much as I have enjoyed planning it.

I’d love to know what your cleaning schedule is like! If this is helpful, let me know and I’ll work on making a printable for this schedule. I just wasn’t sure if this would help you all if it is so different from your schedule.

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  1. Jennifer wrote:

    Everyone in my office thinks I’m crazy because I wash my sheets once a week. Personally I think there is nothing better than crawling into a bed with clean sheets!

    Published 20 Sep 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Girl, say what!!! I would wash my sheets 2x a week if I could force myself to deal with getting the fitted sheet on! lol. Like you said, there’s nothing better! 🙂 xo, Katey

      Published 20 Sep 18Reply
    • Bunny wrote:

      I do it too! Clean sheet Sunday!

      Published 20 Sep 18Reply
  2. Megan wrote:

    This is super helpful and motivational. It all seems more attainable when it is split out across the week/month. Thanks for sharing!

    Published 20 Sep 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Thanks so much, Megan! xo, Katey

      Published 20 Sep 18Reply
  3. You’re so organised, Katey! You really seem to have things together. I’m jealous! Thank you for the tips 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 20 Sep 18Reply
  4. Kate wrote:

    I like this type of post! Always interesting to see what other people do to clean. What do you use to clean your wood floors beyond vacuuming?

    Published 20 Sep 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Thank you so much! I currently use the Bona floor mop, but mine actually broke yesterday! May run up to Target today and see if I should get something different. xo, Katey

      Published 20 Sep 18Reply
  5. Kelcie Hansberry wrote:

    LOVED this! you should definitely make a printable!

    Published 20 Sep 18Reply
  6. Alyssa wrote:

    I don’t know how you get all of this done! I had to hire a house cleaner to come twice a month because I just couldn’t get the deep cleaning done, and I have no idea how I’d get it done now with a baby! How often do you have help with Maxi so you can work?

    Published 20 Sep 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Oh girl, things slip by! I promise!! I’ll never get to all my DM’s or emails. It would be impossible haha. I also STILL need to send a thank-you note form her party in August- oops. We don’t have a nanny or babysitter for my work, so just when she is at Mother’s Day Out on Tuesdays and Thursdays- but still those 3 hours are big help! I know when I have baby #2 I will have to slow down! And if I have to go to the doctor or anything, I can always take her to my parents’ house which is a huge blessing. But I bet you get way more done than me in other areas. I promise! Xx, Katey

      Published 20 Sep 18Reply
  7. Caroline wrote:

    Hi Katey! Loved this post. Total type A girl over here too!! Do you keep up with all of this in your head or do you have a system of staying on top of it?

    Published 20 Sep 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi Caroline! I write all this down in my notes app on my phone so I can remember what I need to do each day! 🙂 xo, Katey

      Published 21 Sep 18Reply
  8. Madison wrote:

    Loved this post! I agree with another comment that you should make a printable. I need to stay more on top of cleaning!

    Published 20 Sep 18Reply
  9. Mica wrote:

    I just got that shark vacuum and was horrified at all the dust it picked up! Thanks for the schedule, i’m going to try and mop my floors once a week. I hate mopping.

    Published 20 Sep 18Reply
  10. Annaliese wrote:

    This is amazing Katey!! I would love to see a printable! Even just living alone in a one bedroom apartment I’m still figuring out my cleaning schedule. Some weeks I’m SO good about it, and others not so much!

    xoxo A

    Published 20 Sep 18Reply
  11. Kelly wrote:

    Do you put the dog toys right in the washer?

    Published 20 Sep 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Yes! Peaches only has soft toys that are like stuffed animals so it makes it easy! xo, Katey

      Published 21 Sep 18Reply
  12. Sarah wrote:

    How do you clean your rugs? I always struggle with shampooing them.

    Published 20 Sep 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi Sarah! I have Blackmon Moorning come clean them! xo, Katey

      Published 21 Sep 18Reply
  13. Christina P. wrote:

    Love this post! So motivating!! I’ve been struggling with working part time in the office and working some hours at home. I have a 10 months old and I always appreciate your posts talking about balance. Thank you K!

    Published 20 Sep 18Reply
  14. Lane wrote:

    Katey this is so helpful! Thank you!! Do you still like the cleaning products you recommended in your previous cleaning post or are there new products you would recommend? Thank you!

    Published 20 Sep 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi Lane! I do still use those! I’ve found I like Thieves cleaner for Maxi’s things and playroom and then I also really like Method products from Target! 🙂 xo, Katey

      Published 21 Sep 18Reply
      • Lane wrote:

        Thank you so much!

        Published 21 Sep 18Reply
  15. You are a supermom indeed, Katey! You seem to have everything down pat. 🙂 Thank you for the tips!

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

    Published 20 Sep 18Reply
  16. raquel wrote:

    Could you please share the contact information for the professional window cleaning company you use. I am located in the Fort Worth area, and my windows are a mess! Thank You in Advance!

    Published 21 Sep 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi Raquel! Of course! Will e-mail you his info! xx, Katey

      Published 21 Sep 18Reply
  17. Tori wrote:

    This is so helpful! I would love a printable!

    Published 21 Sep 18Reply
  18. Carissa Dagleish wrote:

    What do you use to clean your wood floors?

    Published 25 Sep 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      The Bona Mop!

      Published 26 Sep 18Reply
  19. Ronda wrote:

    Thanks for breaking it down so well for us! Your little girl is so cute!

    I like this.The more routine the better, for me, and probably for every mother.
    I also think it’s valuable to try to establish a schedule as a family, too (I have slightly older kids). This blog: helped me to get a good routine going for everybody, to maximize my time AND to teach lessons about teamwork.

    You’re the best, Katey!

    Published 27 Sep 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      That is so helpful!! Love that with older kids! Thank you so much for sending my way! 🙂 xx, Katey

      Published 27 Sep 18Reply
  20. SAYRA TORRES wrote:

    I love all your organization articles! Please make a printable so that I can stay on top of my cleaning. Being a working mom, it’s so hard to get stuff done when all I want to do at home is sleep.

    Published 28 Sep 18Reply
  21. Kelsey Shumaker wrote:

    I love love love this post! Thank you so much! It is so helpful and I am definitely going to implement a lot of it. I would love a printable, if possible!

    Published 02 Oct 18Reply
  22. Gretchen wrote:

    I love when you do this series! I loved the last one too, it really helped me get into a routine.

    Published 14 Oct 18Reply
  23. Ruth Valle Halvorsen wrote:

    Love this series! Thank you for sharing. I started following you when I got pregnant and you were pregnant with Maxi at the same time. So it’s been SO HELPFUL to follow your posts. Thank you.

    Published 18 Nov 18Reply
  24. Emma wrote:

    You are so organized! I need a schedule like this, becuase I usually just end up doing everything on the weekend. I have a question: you mentioned you have less common tasks like window and rug cleaning. Do you schedule those? Or when do you do them? I love having our rugs cleaned (our cleaners do a great job and make our home feel so fresh!), but I feel like I always forget about it and I can never remember the last time they were here.

    Published 26 Nov 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi Emma! Thank you so much! Yes, I do schedule. I do rug cleanings once a year and then have our windows cleaned twice a year. In our last home, I was able to get windows cleaned once a year but this home seems like our windows get dirty so quickly. Not sure why! :/ Now for less used rugs like some rooms, I do those maybe every 3 years. Say our guest room for example! But high-traffic rugs I try to do once a year. xo, Katey

      Published 27 Nov 18Reply