Day in The Life

No, your eyes do not deceive you. It’s not 2015, but we ARE doing a day in the life post. And I laugh because I’m sure I haven’t done one in ages. But I love reading whenever Mix and Match Mama blogs them, so I thought I’d bring it back. No breaking news here, as my days are pretty routine, but let’s break it down.

5:15– I set 87 alarms to go off at 5. 5:01. 5:02. 5:03. And by 5:15, I’ve usually opened my eyes for good. Paul makes my coffee every morning, but this Monday, he was actually sick. He had a cold that Sunday and Monday, so I tried to be quiet to let him keep sleeping. I rolled out of bed, walked to the kitchen and made my coffee. He froths it with cinnamon and this creamer that I have used for years, I can’t use anything else.

5:30– With my coffee in hand, I grab a few blankets and plop on the sofa. I turn on the lamp and do my quiet time. My women’s bible study at church is doing this study on Habakkuk. I’m so grateful to be doing this study because it’s one I would have shortly skimmed over. If you’re in a season of asking, “Why did this happen?” it’s an amazing study.

6:00– I head into the bathroom and get ready quickly. I usually shoot content on Mondays, so I try and get ready before I take Maxi to school. This is actually when I’ll watch a show. I’ll turn one on (When Calls the Heart or Sweet Magnolias) and do my makeup.

6:30– Maxi wakes up and runs into our room around 6:30, so I make her breakfast. She loves to have breakfast in bed on a breakfast tray. I make her cinnamon sugar toast (she is her mama’s daughter) with an apple and peanut butter, and I crawl under the covers with her for a few minutes to snuggle, watch a show, and eat her breakfast.

6:45– Brother wakes up, and I hear his feet pitter-patter into the kitchen. He requested muffins for breakfast, so I get him one on a plate and get him situated for breakfast. Once he is content, I finish getting Maxi ready for school.

7:20– Harry stayed back with Paul since Paul was under the weather, and I took Maxi to school. We JAM to Taylor Swift and talk about what she is excited about for the week.

8:15– After drop off, I headed to grab another coffee- I am currently obsessed with oat-milk cappuccinos.

8:45– I take some photos for the blog with my sister, and still feel slightly awkward and embarrassed about it in public.

9:15– I’m back home and enjoy some time with brother. Harry has his own scooter, but it is MUCH better to use sissy’s scooter while she is at school and scooter to the park. We grab some sunshine before the heat hits.

10– I finish my try-on haul and send that draft to a brand, while Harry plays cars in the background.

10:45– I crank out computer work for about two hours while our sitter is here. I sift through immediate e-mails, see what contracts I need to approve, and schedule work calls for the upcoming week. When I first was adapting to life as a wfh mom, I felt immense guilt not getting to everything. Two kids later, I’m thankful that guilt is removed. I think when you wfh with kids, you have to know your immediate priorities, and not apologize for them.

12:30– Our sitter leaves and I read a few books to Harry and we listen to his Toniebox and snuggle until he falls asleep. He loves to read “Monkey” (Curious George) books on repeat. Curious George Goes to the Hospital is his current favorite.

1:15– My sister comes over to shoot content. I am SO grateful she works from home with her business and can pop over whenever to shoot. I don’t know how I’d do it without her!

2:15– Back to school pickup. My friends joke I like to be one of the first ones, but it’s the ONLY time I can sit and answer text messages/e-mails in peace. Does anyone else feel constant anxiety with text messages?! On Mondays, we have ballet and jazz and carpool with friends, so it’s always fun to be with the girlies. My mom came over at this point and took Harry with her for a Gigi day since Paul still wasn’t feeling great, and I had girls with me in the car seats, so couldn’t bring him to dance.

4-6– After school pickup, I take the girls straight to ballet, throw on their leotards, and do their buns. After their jazz class, I take Maxi and two friends home. They beg for a 5-minute playdate, and then we head back home to start dinner.

6:30– I try and make a big batch of dinner on Sunday evenings because I know on Monday I really only have time for crockpot or reheating something. Maxi’s favorite meal is chicken pot pie, and I love to make Larson’s Chicken Pot Pie Pasta. Her cookbook is my Monday-to-Thursday lifesaver as a mom. Realistic recipes, with no unwanted groceries, and the meals don’t cost $74 to make.

7– While I clean up the kitchen, the kids play, and I prep their lunches for the next day. They usually play school at the kitchen table, with Maxi being the teacher and Harry being the pupil who constantly runs away. 😉 I recently got these sandwich cutters that can imprint detailed characters, and Harry is obsessed with it! He is my picky eater (I laugh because I breastfed him the longest and did baby-led weaning with him), so I try anything to make him enjoy his meals.


7:30– They take their baths, and Maxi does her daily reading by reading bedtime stories to me and Harry. Harry always wants to sleep in bed with Maxi and Maxi always tries to plead her argument that he moves to much at night and she can’t get her rest. ha! So, after lots of snuggles, they both go in their own beds.

8– I fold a load of laundry, catch up on texts, and sit in silence. 😉

8:30– I prep their backpacks and water bottles for the next day and look over Maxi’s homework forms.

8:45– I take a shower and do my skincare routine.

9– I crawl in bed, scroll through shows I think about watching, decide against it, and fall asleep by 9:20. I used to stay up so late watching shows, but I have zero desire to anymore. I find that if it is trending on Netflix, it gives me anxiety. And if it’s sweet and won’t give me anxiety, I will just watch it in the morning while I get ready because if not, I’ll fall asleep.


Any of us have somewhat similar days?! Thank you for reading!


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  1. Jenna wrote:

    Just had my first baby and I’m starting the wfh life! I want to get up early like you but it’s such a struggle for me knowing I don’t “have to” like I used to for work!

    Published 02 Oct 23Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi friend! Congratulations on your little one!! And give yourself grace, it’s hard to do this when you are constantly waking at night. I kind of shift my perspective and I view it like, “I HAVE to get up at 5 to get ready, and get things accomplished, or I WON’T have the privilege of working from home with kids.” and that helps me! But truly that first year is so nuts with no sleep- don’t even attempt this yet! You just get whatever sleep you can! xoxo

      Published 02 Oct 23Reply
  2. Kasie Miller wrote:

    Awww I love this one! It’s always fun to see how others manage their days. Mind sharing some lunch box sources (the Barbie cookie cutter, stainless containers)? I have such a hard time finding stainless boxes that are small enough to fit in traditional lunch carriers.

    Thank you!!

    Published 02 Oct 23Reply
  3. Caitlin wrote:

    These are my favorite kinds of posts!! Do you mind sharing when you typically workout in your weeks? I have two littles under 2.5 and WFH as well, and I’m trying um figure out when to make time for that! Thank you!

    Published 03 Oct 23Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Thank you!! I go in waves depending on work. I usually workout T/Th when Harry is at preschool, but he is in preschool from 9-12, so if I’m in a heavier work season I skip and just try and go on a lot of walks with the kids! But usually at 9:15 I take a pilates class across from his school! 🙂

      Published 04 Oct 23Reply
  4. Lindsay D. wrote:

    I love these kinds of post!

    Published 12 Oct 23Reply
  5. Elisa Gill wrote:

    I love these types of post so much! Thank you for sharing with us 🙂 I wish we were back in 2015 – I loved reading these especially as a mom of two now – oh how things have changed! LOL

    Published 17 Oct 23Reply