Cleaning Schedule

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Sweater: Nordstrom | Jeans: Nordstrom [$32!] | Earrings: Nordstrom

Photography by: Angie Garcia

It’s awesome that you’ve always had a passion for keeping things tidy and organized. Whether it’s out of love for your family or just feeling at peace in a clean environment, it’s definitely a skill many admire. For those who may not have the time to maintain that same level of cleanliness, professional services like House Cleaning Baltimore MD can be a huge help. They can step in and handle everything from deep cleaning baseboards to those daily tasks that tend to pile up, giving you more time to focus on the things you enjoy.

Not even lying. My babysitter used to call my mom and say, “She says she wants to clean baseboards, is she in trouble?”

No. I just watched Cinderella one too many times.

Before I share my cleaning schedule, I think there are three things I wanted to mention!

1. I love to clean and you may not, that’s totally okay! There’s plenty of things I wish I did more, but cleaning is my stress reliever and it may just add stress to you. So take this schedule and do with it whatever fits you best! If you’re a mom of littles, you’re probably doing laundry 10x more than I have to and if you just live alone, you may not need to clean as much as I do, but it’s still wise to ask questions like “Do I need to clean before the housekeeper?”.

2. I just use the products that work for me! If natural products work for you and your family, wonderful! If not, more power to you. So while I know I could use essential oils and vinegar as a cleaning solution, I typically just use these products because they are what my mom and I love to use!

3. I work from home, so my home HAS to be clean and cleaned often. I’m always shooting flat lays, product shots, and room tours. Things get moved around and misplaced so if I don’t spend a good 30 minutes a day picking up it would be a mess and I couldn’t function. However, when I would leave my home to go to an office I didn’t have to “pick up” as much nor did it affect me as much.


Make Bed

Unload Dishwasher

30-Minute Pick Up & Vaccuum

I always make my bed right when I get up and start to unload the dishwasher from the night before. Before Paul gets home from work I do a 30-minute pick up so I can pick up any clutter and make the home all cozy so we can eat dinner and watch a show. This way we can just put the dishes away and not worry about cleaning before bed.


Wash Sheets

Clean Kitchen


Clean Bathrooms

Wash Towels


Mop Floors


Car Wash

Dry Cleaning



Clean Counters & Mirrors


Clean Out Fridge & Pantry

Grocery Shop & Meal Plan For Week


Make Sure All Bedrooms Are Clean


I try to not clean on Sundays as it’s our family day and church, but I know if you are a mom that’s not realistic! If managing this task becomes overwhelming, you could hire a cleaning company. Learn more about your options and how they can help alleviate the burden of maintaining a spotless home.

A few things that help keep our home clean!

1. Cut Clutter

I really recommend reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up! My mom makes fun of me because she will have 15 picture frames and 5 candles on an entry table and that just doesn’t work in our home. My old apartment had a LOT going on and I constantly felt like I was cleaning such a small space and felt overwhelmed. Of course clutter is such a comparable word. Some may think my home is really cluttered! haha. But I just try to only keep exactly what I feel we need. When we don’t have space for something I get rubbish removal at I probably declutter every two months or so and make sure to go through our closets once a month!

2. Deep Clean One Friday a Month

I don’t like to spend a whole weekend cleaning when Paul has to work late during the week. I’ll deep clean one Friday a month cleaning the oven, microwave, blindes, baseboards and doors. I also regularly schedule air duct cleaning services right here at Willard Power Vac for fresh and clean environment. It’s so nice to go into the weekend with a clean slate, literally. For more extensive and efficient cleaning tasks, especially for outdoor areas, I recommend hiring pressure washing services at For industrial cleaning services, I highly recommend this service from Industrial Cleaning in Auckland, which uses a safe and eco-friendly cleaning solution.

3. Make Big Meals

I think one thing that helps with cleaning is to overcook. I will make a big breakfast casserole on Sunday and we can eat off of it for breakfast for the week or I’ll make a big pasta we eat for two nights. During Whole 30 this was hard to do and I felt like my kitchen was constantly a mess!

Do you have any cleaning tips or a schedule that helps you keep it all together?!


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  1. Alex wrote:

    Ok I have a great blog post idea! Could you post your wedding timeline? I’m planing a wedding right now and it’s so hard to figure out when to take pictures, arrive at church, first dance, toasts, etc.

    Published 21 Jul 16Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi Alex!

      Thank you so much for the request! If you click on “The Edit” and go to “The Bride Edit” on my blog you can see my old weddinf posts and in one of them I shared my timeline! I hope that helps you girl!



      Published 21 Jul 16Reply
      • Alex wrote:

        Yay! Thank you so much!!

        Published 21 Jul 16Reply
  2. Magic Erasers are a true god sent! We have very light grey walls and it cleans them like new. Love hearing your cleaning schedule- I’m so impressed on how organized you are with each tasks on different days, go girl!

    xox Tess | Sequins are the New Black

    Published 21 Jul 16Reply
  3. Morgan wrote:

    I’m so type A, and try to always have a straight home! The cleaning side is a little more difficult for me to get done but I like that you split it across the week instead of trying to get it all done on one day!

    How 2 Wear It []

    Published 21 Jul 16Reply
  4. Winter wrote:

    I could definitely benefit from this cleaning schedule! Where do you normally go to get your car washed? I’ve been looking for a good place since I’ve moved to Fort Worth and haven’t found one yet.

    Published 21 Jul 16Reply
    • Vanessa wrote:

      University Car Wash is the best! They have a little coffee shop and gift shop while you wait. My husband and I take our cars there all the time and it’s super budget friendly!

      Published 21 Jul 16Reply
  5. Kristin O'Bannon wrote:

    I see that you use The Laundress home spray, have you ever used their laundry and fabric care line? I am always worried on what to use on my delicates so I end up taking several items to the dry cleaner out of fear of ruining a beloved shirt or dress. It adds up and am trying to search for a new laundry line that is good to use at home.

    Published 21 Jul 16Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi Kristin!

      I have! But I only used a sample once and I couldn’t tell the difference except that it just smelled lovely! I think I’d need to try a full size to know more! 🙂



      Published 21 Jul 16Reply
      • Kristin wrote:

        Good to know! Thank you!:)

        Published 21 Jul 16Reply
  6. Thanks for sharing all of your great tips and products! I need to get in a better routine and this helps!

    Published 21 Jul 16Reply
  7. Courtney wrote:

    Do you have a suggestion on a product to clean stainless steel appliances? our new dishwasher has fingerprints all over!

    Published 21 Jul 16Reply
    • Nichole wrote:

      I use Weiman brand for all of my stainless steel appliances! They have a cream version and wipes; most stores carry them. I love using the wipes because it’s so easy and quick.

      Published 21 Jul 16Reply
  8. Such a cute post! I am such a clean freak and think I clean my apartment every single day, lol. You have such cute cleaning supplies!

    Published 21 Jul 16Reply
  9. This is great! I really need to get in a routine like this. My home gets so dirty, and when you work from home… that can be exhausting to work amongst the dust and dirty dishes. Thanks for sharing!

    Published 21 Jul 16Reply
  10. Ari wrote:

    As a stay at home mom I’m constantly cleaning, but I feel like I’m cleaning the same things everyday and ignore other areas daily! Love your cleaning schedule! I’m sure it will help me stay on track and not miss any areas!


    Published 21 Jul 16Reply
  11. This post helped me so much! I already do some of the things on your list, but always feel as if I should clean more and then get overwhelmed. Your daily breakdown makes it seem so manageable. Thank you! I love having a tidy place as well.

    -ashley @

    Published 21 Jul 16Reply
  12. R wrote:

    How do you clean your cashmere sweaters and how often? If you wash them yourself what detergent do you use?

    Published 21 Jul 16Reply
  13. valorie wrote:

    I am so happy about this post! I work from home too, and it’s soooo distracting to be in a messy apartment! I love the idea of a cleaning schedule and this seems totally manageable! Thank you for sharing all of this, keep the cleaning tips coming and don’t hold back!!

    Published 21 Jul 16Reply
  14. Jen wrote:

    Hi Katey,
    Love this blog post. I was just wondering what you would recommend to clean the bathtub?

    Published 21 Jul 16Reply
  15. Roxy wrote:

    Ahhh finally! Loved this post, waited forever for you to post this. I’m glad you did love you even more

    Published 22 Jul 16Reply
  16. Kaitlin wrote:

    I like be this advice on cleaning the Monday-Saturday love it!! I am always trying to get everything done in a day and that gets me all stressed out

    Published 17 Aug 16Reply
  17. LC wrote:

    I know this post is from forever ago but I still find it extremely applicable. I was wondering what you use to clean your baseboards with?

    Published 21 Jul 18Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      I’ve always done a Norwex towel and then hot water! 🙂 I hope that helps! xo, Katey

      Published 25 Jul 18Reply