Living Room with Lulu & Georgia

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Rug: Lulu & Georgia [c/o] | Bar Cart: Lulu & Georgia [c/o]

Photography by: Madison Katlin

Happy Wednesday! I’m so excited about speeding through August simply because we have a really fun September planned! Paul is going with me to NYFW because we had one meeting that I wanted him to be part of and we thought it would be a fun little trip for the two of us! We aren’t taking a “babymoon” because we seriously have a wedding/wedding shower/bachelor party every single weekend from October until their birth haha, so this is our last little trip.

Then he surprised me by taking off of work for our anniversary, and if you are anything like me I’m sure you can attest that’s the best gift ever! I cried so much when he told me, it’s seriously such a treat to be together during the day. So now I’m just like, “Okay, August, let’s move it!” haha.

I shared before that we had looked at a few houses back in the spring and we didn’t find anything we loved. It’s a seller’s market and so everything was outrageously overpriced  [especially in the zip code we wanted-all of our friends live in this area and we don’t want to leave them!] and needed more work put into it. Why do I want to spend that much on a home that has 8 different color combinations of wood floors?! EIGHT. *shudders* So we decided to stay put and enjoy our home for the time being. And I recognized I’d be the worst realtor ever. I wouldn’t even list homes! I’d just stare at them and say, “Seriously…. who wants to fix 8 different floors for this price?!” So if you are a realtor I commend you and your grace! I don’t know if I could bite my tongue as well as you all do.

When we decided to stay put we actually made a list and put it on the fridge of items we wanted to add to the house or items we needed to renovate. I’m so impressed at how quickly Paul and my dad are working on the list. My dad is an engineer so he secretly loves when I have projects. Or he just loves that when he comes over to work on them I cook him dinner. Not sure which of the two it is, but I am not too worried. The projects are getting done swiftly!

But one of the items was a new rug! Y’all may have noticed I had a leopard print rug in this space before and I got it right when I graduated college so it had seen better days. However, the rug was made, to put it frank, cheap. It was a really affordable rug and in photos it looked great, but in person it was, less than attractive. It looked so dingy and frayed and constantly dirty. I took it to two different professional rug cleaners and they both laughed and said, “Where did you get this thing?!” *Cue me turning red*

It also didn’t even fit the space of our living room because it was from a small apartment I had had and I wasn’t ready to get a new one just yet! I had my eye on the Belen Rug from Lulu & Georgia for months! I had it saved to my desktop and I stared at it every day and I was so excited to partner with them for this post. I think it made the entire room so much softer and organically blends the shabby chic coffee table with all my glam accents. If you’re like me and can’t stay committed to just one home decor style [I love parisian chic, I love hollywood regency, I love anything eclectic and I certainly love southern touches!] rugs can blend all of those styles together.

Another change you may have noticed is the bar cart! I had a bar cart for years and after the wedding I got rid of it. I wasn’t sure where to store all of our china so I put a buffet piece there instead. I got the hint y’all didn’t love the change because I had so many comments saying, “Wait! Why did you do that?!” My first thought was, “I was just being practical!” But since when does a girl who wears 8 bracelets at once conform to practicality?! I just decluttered some more, found a spot for the china and brought the bar cart back. This Misha Bar Cart is from Lulu & Georgia and I loved how we were able to add in our record player! You don’t have to fill a bar cart up with liquor if that isn’t your cup of tea. Top it with coffee table books, magazines, ginger jars and fresh flowers. When styled in that manner, I think it looks unexpected and eclectic, which makes it a conversation piece.

I hope to share more of the list as we cross it off and update all of these pieces. My next project is the kitchen, which will have countertops and cabinets from, a new oven, and hardware. If you have any places you love to find hardware at feel free to send my way in the comments because this is a spot that I completely draw a blank.

Thank you so much for reading, I hope this helped inspire you for your little abode!


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  1. Leigh Ann wrote:

    Have y’all considered an addition to your home? Maybe put in a second floor or build out? It could potentially add so much value to your home, but you’d have to live through a pretty major renovation.

    Published 17 Aug 16Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi Leigh Ann!

      We haven’t, just because we honestly won’t stay here that much longer as it is an older home and while we have done a lot of work to it, we’d like something newer in the future! Thank you so much for reading!!



      Published 17 Aug 16Reply
  2. Whitney wrote:


    I love reading your posts every morning and seeing how you decorate. You have such great taste and always give me some good inspiration! I’m not sure if you’re looking to go this route in regards to hardware, but my best friend is an artist and has a studio in Fort Worth and they do custom hardware and it’s absolutely beautiful! Here’s the website if you want to check it out –


    Published 17 Aug 16Reply
  3. Lucy wrote:

    “their birth”…are y’all having twins?

    Published 17 Aug 16Reply
    • Katey wrote:

      Hi Lucy!

      No ma’am, I was using their as a possessive pronoun when the gender is unknown to the readers. 🙂 Twins would be so fun, though!



      Published 17 Aug 16Reply
      • Christi wrote:

        Haha! I thought the same thing!!!

        Published 17 Aug 16Reply
        • Maya wrote:

          I noticed the “their” thing too. But when Mara from M Loves M interviewed a handful of bloggers about pregnancy/finding out the gender, Rach Parcell said one of her pet peeves was when people call their unborn children “it” lol.

          So Katey, maybe you share the same peeve?! I’m not a mom or mom-to-be (yet!) but I could certainly understand that one!

          Also… Can you tell I read a lot of blogs haha? 🙂

          Xx Maya from Maya Unmarketed

          Published 17 Aug 16Reply
          • Katey wrote:

            Hi Maya!

            Haha! Yes! I guess I’m just one of those people that thinks if I don’t say “he or she” I would of course say “their birth” or “their nursery.” I don’t like the “it” either!

            You’re so sweet thanks so much for reading!!



            Published 17 Aug 16
  4. Brittany wrote:

    Love your set up! Super pretty!!

    XO Brittany


    Published 17 Aug 16Reply
  5. Kristine wrote:

    Anthropologie and Restoration Hardware have really cute and fun things for the home. Especially knobs, drawer pulls, and other miscellaneous items if you haven’t already you should check it out!

    Published 17 Aug 16Reply
  6. Amanda wrote:

    Cutest home decor ever! Love your style and how you put it all together. Can’t wait to see your kitchen when it’s finished!

    p.s. Peaches is an adorable accent to your living room! 😉

    Xo Amanda

    Published 17 Aug 16Reply
  7. I LOVE when my fiancé surprises me by taking a PTO day! It can get so lonely working from home by ourselves! haha

    Published 17 Aug 16Reply
  8. Such a beautiful space and I LOVE that rug and the bar cart! So sweet to hear that Paul took a day off for your anniversary- that’s going to be such a treat <3
    xxoo Tess | Sequins are the New Black

    Published 17 Aug 16Reply
  9. Amy wrote:

    I love your bar cart! It’s so unique and, of course, decorated perfectly! You have such great taste!


    Published 17 Aug 16Reply
  10. Maya wrote:

    You’ve done it again, Katey!! I swear, I’ve never seen a home decor post of yours that I didn’t LOVE!

    My husband and I are moving in three days so keep the inspo and all of your Dad and Paul’s projects coming! 🙂

    Congrats again on the baby! I read back to your reveal post today. (I’m the girl who commented on your insta that after a two week unplugged vacation at a cottage with no internet, I had the random feeling you might be pregnant. And then stalked your insta back a bit two night ago and discovered I was right. Creepy? Possibly lol. Crazy excited for you and Paul?! Definitely. )

    Anyway, the real was such a touching story and your positivity really inspires me. When you talked about your mindset of things being in God’s hands at the beginning of when you guys started trying, and all your gratitude despite the morning sickness and fatigue I was seriously so impressed. You are an inspiration and will be a wonderful mother!!

    Xx Maya from Maya Unmarketed

    Published 17 Aug 16Reply
    • maya wrote:

      **Anyway, the REVEAL was such a touching story**

      I can’t not correct a typo…

      Published 17 Aug 16Reply
  11. Absolutely GORGEOUS space!!

    Xx Taylor

    Published 21 Aug 16Reply
  12. Mary wrote:

    Where did you get your pillows?? Thanks!!

    Published 12 Apr 17Reply