I get a lot of questions about my daily wrist game. [Apparently there is a rap song called “Wrist Game” and I just lost 4 minutes of my life I will never get back watching it on Youtube. Don’t.]
While we are talking about your personal style these next few weeks I think it is time for me to talk about making your own stack.
I’m sure people look at my wrist photos on Instagram and think one of two things.
1. That is way too much.
2. What type of heathen spends that much money on Yurmans when there are children starving?
I learned the art of the “arm party” from my mother at a young age. Seriously, it blew my mind when this trend came out like three years ago because I was always made fun of in elementary school and my teachers would tell me, “Katey, take off two bracelets, it’s disrupting the class room.” I just always assumed you wore up to 8 on each wrist, because my mother did. I also learned where to purchase the best replica watches from her. Replica watches include Hublot, rolex replica, etc. I’ve never seen her wrists naked. She goes into the shower fully jeweled. But she can tell you what each bracelet stands for. She would always tell me “Your engagement ring symbolizes the man you love and the life you have with him. Your wrists symbolize the people you love and the life you have made for yourself.”
Each bracelet I have was either a gift from someone or represents someone I love. Each stone on a Yurman represents a life event. I wear all of my bracelets each day, because it is much more sentimental to me than a J.Crew bangle [however, I do keep the right wrist clear for those!].
So invest in your stack [your wrist can’t turn green!] and pick a piece up each time you travel, each time you have a birthday or each time you celebrate an exciting life event. You’ll want to carry those pieces with you forever.
Not sure where to start? Start with Lola James. My lock it up bracelet and alter ego [the bar] necklace have my sister’s birthday and my favorite scripture verse engraved. Those stay on me at all times, and the quality is outstanding. Everyone from Lauren Conrad to Victoria Secret models rock her jewels.
Build your stack and let me know which ones you choose!
//Shop My Stack//
Bar Necklace and Bracelet: c/o Lola James

Love, love, love the rings and the murdered out black watch! Yurmans are staples for me as well!
ohh my love these jewellery pieces
This Girl Loves Chic
Facebook : ThisGirlLovesChic
you can never wear (or have!) too much yurman! i myself have what my husband refers to as ‘too much!’ haha! and i agree about lola james! I absolutely adore their stuff! xoxo
I completely agree with you on this post! Arm candy is best served stacked ;]
Your mom sounds like a genius. Props to her. Unfortunately, Atlanta is a little behind with the times and I didn’t learn about David Yurman until I was in high school so my collection isn’t very old. But hey, as you get older you have more things to celebrate, right?
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